Thursday, June 30, 2011

A Pathetic Love story Chapter two
yeah i updated!

Friday, June 24, 2011

English exam

Well it was ok the multiple choice was like so easy!!! But when i got to the essays I was like screw it! you know what I mean? you get all these great ideas and the suddenly you crash and you cant convey what you with words?

Sleepy heads

I woke up in the morning felling like "damn its so early"
Then i turned up my psp it was really loud
i didn't care who i pissed off but when i got to my destination
But when i got there they were like "Hmmm? what time is it"

tik tok in the clock
they were still sleeping
I got up really early
but when i got the were still sleeping
I dont feel bad for scarin them cause
I was the one who woke up early!
Oh oh oh woh

Monday, June 20, 2011

Potty trainning

Well the title pretty much says it all. I just have to say its so not fun!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Nyotalia Ukraine Belarus

UWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH Male version of Ukraine it so friggin cute!!!!!!! samething for belarus!

A Pathetic Love Story

It's my new story on Fanfiction Canada x Ukraine/ Matthew x Yakatriena

Saturday, June 18, 2011


soo.... yesterday I was stuck at church fron 2 int the afternoon until 2 in the morning. Yeah crazy

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Socials exam!

Was so freaking okay! XD ! I have always loved social but thanks to hetalia my love for the subject was multiplied by a gagilion times XD. The alaska boundary dispute well lets just say I remember it as England playing favourite with USA and neglecting Canada... Again! Oh and it also helped that I watched imatthewians the day before so yeah! It was almost as easy as my french exam!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Chibi Prussia

So friggin cute Ja!!!!! XS
I luv this series XD

It works!

Finally it friggin works!!!!!! Stupid music pod thing you really pissed me off XDDD

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

That was easy...too easy

French Exam today.... honestly I though it was going to be more difficult! But no it was fudging easy! Anywho i'm not gonna be all modest and say 'i think i passed it' I'm gonna say I fudging Aced it might not have gotten perfect but I'm pretty sure I aced it! Well then After that I went around with my Friends and had a really awesome conversation about kyo and white rabbit XD oh and b4 that we were waiting for a fudging long time in a sushi place... we ended up living without ordering cause it was taking so fudging long.... and also I found this awesome series! It's the Mr.Ripley's series it so filled with awesome murder stuff XDDDDDD

Monday, June 13, 2011


ever felt like this? Ha ha ha well I do! I was so disappointed on my marks for science DX

Mon Cher

You know I'm suppose to be studying right now but I can't focus. Pourquoi? Je ne sais pas. Je veux dormir mais je ne peux pas parce que... well je ne sais pas. Ma Mere pense que je suis etudiant mais je ne suis pas et j'ai refait ma resume! Il ne va pas bien. J'ai tres fatigue.


Well mon cher i felt like posting something again! Hetalia related stuff. Nordics...they have fun times and sad times. Like when Sweden runaway from Denmark's rule taking Finland with him or when Finland was taken by Russia and Sweden could do nothing because he was neutral during the wars. Lols I love the Scandinavian countries XD VIKINGS

Damn music pod is not working!!!!!!

Damn music pod is not working!!!!!! DX

Mon cher

sup mon cher been a while forgive for forgetting our secret word yet again. yet here you are always waiting patiently for my return. I'll try to visit you more often mon cher XD