Friday, January 27, 2012

Invisible to you

If I said "Look at at me"
Would you look back?
If I said "Listen to me"
Would you hear me out?

If I said "Stay with me"
Would you still leave?
If I said "Love me"
Would you stop hating me?

You don't see nor hear me.
You won't stay or love me
Because to you I'm invisible
So I really can't hold you responsible.

You stole my heart with out knowing
And there is nothing I could do but hate you
with a smile knowing its not you fault
that my fragile heart wants you

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Moments Like This

Moments like this give me the will to go on
It gives me the feeling of being alive
Makes me want to move on
Not only to walk aimlessly and grieve
The chances to happiness I've missed
The lost moments that I can never relive
This life which misery kissed
Moments life this makes me believe

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Teach me How to Smile

teach me how to smile
a smile like yours
so warm and friendly
then i will be yours

i will teach you how to smile
a smile like my own
so cold and decieving
but you dont have to know

This is a poem for my new fanfic The lonely and the mental

Sunday, January 22, 2012

↑The Game of Life↓ [Hatsune Miku] English Subs

Crime & Punishment - Hatsune Miku [English Subs]

Draw Me A Picture Chapter One Edited Version, a romance fiction -

Draw Me A Picture Chapter One Edited Version, a romance fiction -

Are We Fair Weathered Friends

Its been in my mind for a while now
It started even before summer
It started even before the snow
Did our friendship started to simmer
Or had it always been like this
From the start, we didn’t have much in common
I want all of you to know that I write this
With all the courage I could summon.
For I am writing from the bottom of my heart.
I hope this does not offend.
Is it time for us to part?
Are you really a fair weathered friend?

As We Drift apart

As our life and dreams grows
We take different paths
Drifting along the sea we call life
Apart from our old ideals, our old life, our old friends

The Best Thing

This was inspired by this
I remember that day when I first saw you.
You were the most beautiful person i had ever seen
You were the best thing that ever happened to me
I remember that day you were bruised broken and bloody.
You different. They didn’t understand you.
you were the best thing ever that happened to me.
I remember chasing them away protecting you from this unjust society.
You gave me a smile and for a year we were the best of friends and lovers.
You were the best thing that happened to me
I remember the hurt I felt when you left with out explanation.
You were trying to protect me, from this unjust society.
You were still the best thing that ever happened to me.
Ten years had past and I had moved on with my new family.
You sent me a reminder of the time we spent together. I showed me why you did what you did.
Ten years from that day you are still the best thing that ever happened to me.