Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Gakupo Kamui - Just Be Friends

The Law

Perfection falls to Ruin
The Condemned wants Salvation
Silence teases Chaos
and War yearns for Peace
Ugly falls for Beauty
Loneliness wants Companions
Love teases Hatred
and Darkness yearns for Light
It’s what we don’t have that we desire
It’s what we have lost that we want
It’s what we we want but can’t take
The law is opposites attracts

Friday, June 22, 2012

If you were born a girl and I was born a boy this would show exactly how I feel for you


Hey you!
Yes, you!
I like you
I think you know
Not sure if you
Ignored it
Didn't see it
or Just didn't know
how to reply
However, I still feel the same
I like you just the same
if not more
maybe for ever more

Friday, January 27, 2012

Invisible to you

If I said "Look at at me"
Would you look back?
If I said "Listen to me"
Would you hear me out?

If I said "Stay with me"
Would you still leave?
If I said "Love me"
Would you stop hating me?

You don't see nor hear me.
You won't stay or love me
Because to you I'm invisible
So I really can't hold you responsible.

You stole my heart with out knowing
And there is nothing I could do but hate you
with a smile knowing its not you fault
that my fragile heart wants you

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Moments Like This

Moments like this give me the will to go on
It gives me the feeling of being alive
Makes me want to move on
Not only to walk aimlessly and grieve
The chances to happiness I've missed
The lost moments that I can never relive
This life which misery kissed
Moments life this makes me believe

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Teach me How to Smile

teach me how to smile
a smile like yours
so warm and friendly
then i will be yours

i will teach you how to smile
a smile like my own
so cold and decieving
but you dont have to know

This is a poem for my new fanfic The lonely and the mental